Friday, May 30, 2014

Juicy Couture founders talk fashion passion

EN Fashion - Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Nash Taylor believe passion is a must to succeed.

The two designers are the brains behind Juicy Couture and started the multimillion dollar company with just $200 in 1997. They sold it in 2003 for $250 million.

Far from becoming complacent with fashion and style, Gela enthuses that drive and an infatuation with what you do is a must for any budding business.

"Looking at it like your job is to solve problems when you walk in the door every day, even if it's a hem or a stitch or a seam leaving a hole in something," Gela revealed to Teen Vogue. "When I looked at it like that, I thought, 'Oh, I can do this.' Ultimately though, it all comes down to having a passion for what you do.
"We were born to make clothes! We could have retired and ridden off into the sunset, but this is what we love."

"We are two freaks obsessed with making clothes," laughed Pamela.

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